Обеспечение антикоррозионной защиты и поддержание её высоких эксплуатационных характеристик являются одними из наиболее важных факторов, гарантирующих надёжность и длительный срок службы трубопровода. Комплексная программа мероприятий по антикоррозионной защите осуществляется на всех этапах — как производства труб, так и строительства и эксплуатации трубопроводов.
Каталог продукции
Hydroizolacia, ochrana a opravy budov, obnova konstrukcii
Tesnenie skar, tmely, skarovacie hmoty, spoje panelov
Materialy pre dilatacne skary - tmely, tmely, zakladne natery, zakladne natery, odlievacie hmoty
Ochrana proti korozii - antikorozne natery, zakladne natery, laky, zakladne natery
Materialy pre automobilovu, namornu, riecnu, letecku
Materialy pre chemicky priemysel, odolne voci olejom a benzinu
Fasadne materialy - tmely, tmely, skarovacie hmoty, zakladne ntery
Priemyselne podlahy - tmely, zakladne natery, natery
Stresne materialy, tmely, zakladne natery, zakladne natery, tmely, bezsvikove natery
Tepelnoizolacne materialy - tekuta tepelna izolacia Ecobit, ochrana proti mrazu
Materialy na stavbu a opravu potrubi, komponenty
Materialy na vystavbu a opravu ciest
- Building, insulating, roofing, road bitumen, brittle, plasticized, thinned
- Waterproofing materials, bitumen, bituminous mastics, primers, primers
- Anti-corrosion materials bitumen, mastics, primers, coatings, varnishes
- Thermal insulation materials - liquid thermal insulation Ecobit
- Roofing materials, mastics, primers, primers, sealants, seamless coatings
- Facade materials - mastics, sealants, joint masses, primers
- Materials for the chemical industry, oil and petrol resistant
- Materials for automobile, sea, river, air, agricultural, railway transport
- Materials for the cable industry, castings for couplings
- Materials for airfields, hydraulic structures, tunnels and mines
- Materials for underground structures, trays, rings, blocks
- Materials for underground passages, subways, floors
- Industrial floors - mastic compounds, primers, coatings, sealants
- Materials for road construction, bridges, viaducts
- Materials for engineering systems, pipelines and wells
- Materials for structures, seams, junctions, thermal seams and joints
- Materials for attics, floors, sheds
- Materials for swimming pools, ponds, fountains and technical tanks
- Materials for foundations, foundation blocks and pillows
- Construction bitumen BN, BNM GOST 6617-76 (DSTU 4148-2003)
- Impregnating roofing bitumen BNK GOST 9548-74 (DSTU 4818:2007)
- Insulating bitumen BNI GOST 9812-74 for anti-corrosion works
- Road bitumen BND GOST 22245-90 (DSTU 4044-2001, DSTU EN 12591:2017)
- Bitumen Rubraks Ecobit GOST 781-68
- Bitumen for batteries AKB-1 Ecobit GOST 8771-76
- Brittle bitumen grades B, V, G GOST 21822-87
- Bitumen Plastbit Ecobit TU 38-101580-75
- Bitumen concrete Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010
- Bituminol Ecobit TU 36-2292-80 acid-resistant mastic
- Bitumen emulsion DSTU B V.2.7-129:2013 (GOST 18659-81)
- Bituminous powder Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010
- Mastic bituminous roofing MBK-G (MBKG, MBK) Ecobit (GOST, DSTU)
- Mastic bituminous MBR-G Ecobit ( MBR, MBG ) GOST, DSTU
- Mastic bituminous MBBG Ecobit (Lilo-1, Lilo-2) TU 21-27-40-83
- Mastic bitumen-butyl rubber MBBP Ecobit (Lilo 1, Lilo 2) TU 21-27-40-83
- Mastic for seams MBP-G/Shm Ecobit GOST 30740-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-116-2002)
- Mastic for seams RBV Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-116-2002 (GOST 30740-2000)
- Mastic T-75, T-85, T-90 Ecobit road GOST 30740-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-116-2002)
- Mastic PBM-1, PBM-2 Ecobit polymer-bitumen GOST 30740-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-116-2002)
- Road Mastic MTT-70/80/90/100 Ecobit GOST 30740-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-116-2002)
- Mastic MBRP-80/85 Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer GOST 30740-2000
- Mastic MBGR Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer GOST 32870-2014
- Mastic MBGP Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer GOST 32870-2014
- Mastic MBZ Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer GOST 32870-2014
- MBP Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer mastic GOST 32870-2014
- Mastic BM-3 Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer GOST 32870-2014
- Mastic MGBE-Sh Ecobit bitumen-rubber polymer GOST 32870-2014
- Mastic DSh Ecobit pavement for seams
- Asphalt mastic Ecobit
- Mastic MB-50 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic cable MB, MBM Ecobit GOST 6997-77
- Mastic ISOL Ecobit TU 21-27-37-89
- Mastic MBP-G Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30740-2000)
- Mastic MBNP Ecobit TU 21-1115-54-83
- Mastic MGLS Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-236-2010
- Mastic MDK-G Ecobit GOST 3085-51
- Bituminous mastic BITALEN Ecobit TU 21-27-125-89
- Mastic MP-70 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Bitumen mastic BPAM Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-236-2010
- Mastic Bitumen-Atactic Ecobit GOST 9.015-74 (DSTU B V.2.7-236-2010)
- Mastic Bitumen-Mineral Ecobit GOST 9.015-74 (DSTU B V.2.7-236-2010)
- Mastic Bitumen-talc Ecobit GOST 9.015-74 (DSTU B V.2.7-236-2010)
- Mastic Bitumen-Asbestos Ecobit GOST 9.015-74 (DSTU B V.2.7-236-2010)
- Mastic HAMAST Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic ANK Ecobit TU 21-27-57-80 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BiEM Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic MB-X Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic MBS-X Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic MBBC Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic MBKH Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2000)
- Mastic MBU Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2000)
- Mastic MS BLK Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2000)
- Mastic MBF Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic MG-X Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic MG Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic MK-1 Ecobit GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic BLK Ecobit TU 400-2-51-76
- Mastic MBR-X Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic BLEM Ecobit GOST 26589-94 (TU 21-27-76-88)
- Mastic BSM Ecobit (BSKhM-1 Ecobit) GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic BAEM Ecobit TU 67-06-30-91
- Mastic BNK Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic BEM Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic BELN-20 Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BELS-20 GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BELKK-20 Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BELBIN Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BELAM Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BOOM Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BITEP Ecobit TU 401-08-515-73
- Mastic KROVELIT Ecobit TU 21-27-104-83
- Mastic МCWC Ecobit TU 21-27-39-77
- Mastic MKVG Ecobit TU 21-27-39-77
- Mastic MKVTs Ecobit TU 21-27-66-80
- Mastic GEKOPREN Ecobit TU 6-15-1961-97
- Mastic PBS Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic BUTISLAN-K Ecobit DSTU B.V.2.7-79-98
- Mastic BUTEPROL-2M Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-106-2001 (TU 21-29-26-78, GOST 14791-79)
- Mastic MRTU Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- GERMABUTYL Ecobit mastic DSTU B V.2.7-77-98
- Mastic ELASTIM Ecobit DSTU B A.1.1-29-94
- Mastic IEC MAGELAST Ecobit (Liquid rubber) TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010
- Mastic ULTRAFLEX Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 ( DSTU B V.2.7-116-2002)
- Mastic BITELAST Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic TEGERON Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-106-2001
- Mastic ULTRASIL Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic STROYIZOL Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001 (GOST 30693-2000)
- Mastic Pekovaya Ecobit TU 21-27-40-83
- Mastic MBK Ecobit TU 21-27-90-83
- Mastic REZAPLAST Ecobit TU 21-27-105-83
- Mastic VENTA Ecobit DSTU B A.1.1-29-94 (TU 21-27-39-77)
- Mastic MBPK-G-75 Ecobit TU 400-2-190-74
- Mastic GISSAR Ecobit TU 21-27-89-80 (DSTU B A.1.1-29-94)
- Mastic HYDROBUTIL Ecobit TU 21-27-96-82
- Mastic GEROSTOM Ecobit TU 21-29-113-86
- Mastic BUTIZOL Ecobit TU 38-103301-78
- Mastic BUTYLKOR Ecobit TU 38-103377-77
- Mastic BUTEROL Ecobit TU 38-3-005-82
- Mastic PIGMENTOBUTYL Ecobit TU 113-04-7-15-86
- Mastic ARMOHYDROBUTIL Ecobit TU 21-27-96-82
- Mastic MBS Ecobit TU 38-3069-73
- Mastic UTB-1 (thiokol sealant)
- Mastic UTB-N (thiokol sealant)
- Mastic UTC-1 (thiokol sealant)
- Mastic U-30m thiokol sealant GOST 13489-79
- Mastic U-30s thiokol sealant GOST 13489-79
- Mastic U-30 MES 5 thiokol sealant 38.1051386-80
- Mastic U-30 MES 10 thiokol sealant 38.1051386-80
- Mastic UT-31 thiokol sealant GOST 13489-79
- Mastic UT-32 thiokol sealant 38.1051386-80
- Mastic UT-34 thiokol sealant GOST 24285-80
- Mastic UT-34 NT thiokol sealant 38.605462-91
- Mastic UT-35 thiokol sealant GOST 24285-80
- Mastic UM-20 polyisobutylene sealant
- Mastic UM-40 polyisobutylene sealant
- Mastic UM-50 polyisobutylene sealant
- Mastic UM-60 polyisobutylene sealant
- Mastic KB-0.5 sealing of bridges, tunnels, roads, reservoirs, working joints TU 84-246-75
- Mastic KM-0.5 thiokol sealant TU 84-246-75 two-component for seams
- Mastic AM-0.5 sealing of bridges, tunnels, reservoirs, working seams acid-alkali-resistant GOST 25621-83
- Sealant VGO-1 industrial one-component thiokol sealant TU 38.303-04-04-90
- Mastic GS-1 thiokol two-component sealant for sealing joints GOST 13489-79
- Mastic Hydrom-2 two-component butyl sealant for sealing joints GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic Viksint U-1-18 two-component thiokol sealant TU 38.303-04-04-90
- Mastic Viksint U-2-28 two-component thiokol sealant TU 38.303-04-04-90
- Mastic Viksint U-4-21 two-component thiokol sealant TU 38.303-04-04-90
- Mastic 51-UTO-40 thiokol polymer one-component for seamsTU 38-1054-96-72
- Mastic 51-UTO-43 thiokol polymer one-component for seams TU 38-1054-96-72
- Adhesive mastic KN Ecobit GOST 24064-80
- Mastic KhSPE Ecobit GOST 30693-2000 (DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001)
- Mastic TP-4 oil-petrol-resistant polyester sealant GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic KG-206 Ecobit epoxy (neoprene, butyl - formaldehyde) GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic KG-237 Ecobit epoxy (neoprene, butyl - formaldehyde) GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic NG-16 Ecobit for sealing rivet, bolt and flange joints GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic TEP-7 Ecobit (sealant) for sealing structural seams, joints
- Mastic TEP-8 Ecobit (sealant) for sealing structural seams, joints
- Mastic MPS Ecobit sealing non-hardening building GOST 14791-79
- M2N Ecobit sealing non-hardening building mastic GOST 14791-79
- Mastic MBG Ecobit Butafol-gypsum for sealing glass DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mbits Ecobit Butafol-lime-cement mastic for sealing glass DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic MBCA Ecobit Butafol-cement (asbestos) for sealing glass DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic UMS-50 Ecobit (butyl sealant) for sealing joints between panels GOST 14791-79
- Mastic BGM Ecobit butyl-rubber two-component for sealing joints DSTU B V.2.7-77-98
- Mastic VGM-1 Ecobit (sealant) organosilicon high temperature 200-250 C
- Mastic Elastosil-11-06 Ecobit butyl (sealant) for sealing joints TU 6-02-775-73
- Mastic Karbinolny Ecobit (sealing of the devices working under pressure) GOST 30693-2000
- Celluloid Mastic Ecobit (putty) oil and petrol resistant for tanks GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic Arzamit Ecobit (putty) lining of seams of concrete and metal structures GOST 380194-75
- Mastic Subit Ecobit bitumen-polymer for laying parquet DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Ecobit foam-gypsum mastic (adhesive) for drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic bitumen-silicate BSK-1 (adhesive) for drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic sulfide-gypsum SG-1 (adhesive) for drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Gypsum-chalk mastic GML-1 (adhesive) for drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Gypsum-sawdust mastic GO-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Casein mastic KZN-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for tiles, drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Casein-cement mastic KZTs-1 (adhesive) for tiles, drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic Caseino-Silicate KZS-1 (adhesive) for tiles, drywall (dry gypsum plaster) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Casein-lime mastic KI-1 Ecobit adhesive (linoleum, PVC, fiberboard, chipboard) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic casein-emulsion KE-1 Ecobit adhesive (linoleum, PVC, fiberboard, chipboard) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic oil-chalk MM-1 Ecobit adhesive (linoleum, PVC, fiberboard, chipboard) DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic coumaron KM-1 (adhesive) for gluing PVC tiles, linoleum to concrete, fiberboard, chipboard DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic Kolloksilinovy KLS-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for gluing linoleum DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Phenolic-formaldehyde mastic FFLD-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for gluing linoleum DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic BLM Bitumen-latex (adhesive) for gluing PVC tiles to concrete, fiberboard, chipboard DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic based on varnish VHL-400 for fixing tiles (PVC, plastic, polystyrene) GOST 30693-2000
- Rosin-chalk mastic KML-1 Ecobit for fixing polystyrene tiles, linoleum DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic Inden-Kumaronovaya KMI-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for fixing polystyrene tiles DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic DFC-II Ecobit Diphenyl-ketone for fixing facing tiles GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic Bitumen-clay-asbestos BGM-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for asbestos-resin tiles GOST 30693-2000
- Cement-polymer mastic TsPL-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for glazed tiles GOST 30693-2000
- Cement colloidal mastic TsKL-1 Ecobit (glue) for ceramic tiles, marble chips GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic Epoxy EP-1 Ecobit chemical resistant elastic anticorrosive for concrete and metal GOST 30693-2000
- Polyester mastic PLF-1 Ecobit chemical resistant (hydrofluoric acid) GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic Furilovaya FRL-1 Ecobit chemical resistant (aggressive environment), anticorrosive GOST 30693-2000
- Acid-resistant mastic KST-1 Ecobit (adhesive) for acid-resistant tiles, lining GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic sulfur-bitumen SB-1 Ecobit chemically resistant (hydrochloric, sulfuric acid) TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010
- Mastic on Liquid Glass ZhS-1 Ecobit chemically resistant for fixing acid-resistant tiles TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010
- Mastic anticorrosive chemically resistant Anticorrosive Ecobit acid-alkali resistant GOST 30693-2000
- Polyvinyl acetate mastic PLVA-1 Ecobit for the installation of seamless polymer floors DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Latex-cement mastic LTs-1 Ecobit for polymer floor coatings DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic PEC Ecobit polyethercoumarone for the device of seamless floor coverings GOST 30693-2000
- AS-1 Ecobit Asphalt Mastic for waterproofing, non-rolled roofing devices DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Asbilat Ecobit Bitumen-emulsion roofing mastic DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic Bitumen-ash BZ-1 Ecobit roofing polymeric waterproofing GOST 30693-2000
- Mastic Emulbit Ecobit for waterproofing and vapor barrier structures DSTU B V.2.7-108-2001
- Mastic BNSHA Ecobit cold asphalt for underground structures TU 401-07-555-72
- Mastic KHZ Ecobit butyl two-component waterproofing GOST 30693-2000
05.01.2023The production of chemically resistant liquid rubber (sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric acid) for rubberizing industrial containers has begun
05.01.2023Production of colored butyl rubber sealants for facade and roofing thermal seams
05.01.2023Started production of oil and petrol resistant sealants for the petrochemical industry
05.01.2023Production of cold-applied polymer sealants for sealing airfield and road joints
05.01.2023Production of polymer bitumen, hot bituminous mastics and anti-corrosion compounds.
Potrubie - inzinierska stavba urcená na prepravu plynných a kvapalných látok, prašných a skvapalnených hmôt, ako aj tuhých palív a iných pevných látok vo forme roztoku pod vplyvom tlakového rozdielu v prierezoch potrubia
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