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Cтроительство трубопроводов

Обеспечение антикоррозионной защиты и поддержание её высоких эксплуатационных характеристик являются одними из наиболее важных факторов, гарантирующих надёжность и длительный срок службы трубопровода. Комплексная программа мероприятий по антикоррозионной защите осуществляется на всех этапах — как производства труб, так и строительства и эксплуатации трубопроводов.

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Дорожное строительство

Автомобильные дороги сегодня являются важной составляющей транспортной системы государства, оказывающей огромное влияние на социальное и экономическое развитие. Дороги - важная часть цивилизованного общества. Высокая ответственность за воплощение человеческой мечты, за сближение городов и судеб лежит на дорожниках.

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Влага разрушает не только само здание, но также может привести к различным проблемам со здоровьем его обитателей. Гидроизоляция в этом случае одно из основных направлений для компании ООО «ГЕРМЕТИК - УНИВЕРСАЛ». Компания стала настоящим экспертом в этой области, предлагая различные бренды и системные решения. Профессионалы всего мира доверяют нашему опыту гидроизоляции.

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Герметики - это пастообразные материалы, предназначенные для заполнения, герметизации и склеивания различных поверхностей.
Основное назначение герметиков – это заполнение и герметизация трещин, швов, щелей и соединений, герметизация различных поверхностей с целью предотвращения проникновения в них (из них) помещений воды, пыли, грязи и воздуха.

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Building, insulating, roofing, road bitumen, brittle, plasticized, thinned

Bitumen has long been one of the most famous and important building materials. Due to its adhesive and hydrophobic properties, it is widely used in road construction, the manufacture of roofing materials, the construction of foundations for buildings and structures, and the laying of pipelines.

1.  Construction petroleum bitumen BN Ecobit GOST 6617-76 (DSTU 4148-2003) 

1. BN 50/50 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Construction bitumen BN 50/50 Ecobit (Code: BT-000001) The grade of petroleum bitumen widely used in construction is BN 50/50. Its characteristics comply with the standards of GOST 6617-76 “Petroleum construction bitumens. Technical conditions. The first two letters “BN” are an abbreviation for “petroleum bitumen”, and the first digit of the fraction indicates the temperature at which this type of bitumen can soften, the second digit is a conditional indicator of the hardness of bitumen in a cooled state

2. BN 70/30 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Construction bitumen BN 70/30 Ecobit (Code: BT-000002) The grade of petroleum bitumen widely used in construction is BN 50/50. Its characteristics comply with the standards of GOST 6617-76 “Petroleum construction bitumens. Technical conditions. The first two letters “BN” are an abbreviation for “petroleum bitumen”, and the first digit of the fraction indicates the temperature at which this type of bitumen can soften, the second digit is a conditional indicator of the hardness of bitumen in a cooled state

3. BN 90/10 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Construction bitumen BN 90/10 Ecobit (Code: BT-000003) The grade of petroleum bitumen widely used in construction is BN 50/50. Its characteristics comply with the standards of GOST 6617-76 “Petroleum construction bitumens. Technical conditions. The first two letters “BN” are an abbreviation for “petroleum bitumen”, and the first digit of the fraction indicates the temperature at which this type of bitumen can soften, the second digit is a conditional indicator of the hardness of bitumen in a cooled state

4. BN М 3 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Construction bitumen BN М 3 Ecobit (Code: BT-000001/а) The grade of petroleum bitumen widely used in construction is BN 50/50. Its characteristics comply with the standards of GOST 6617-76 “Petroleum construction bitumens. Technical conditions. The first two letters “BN” are an abbreviation for “petroleum bitumen”, and the first digit of the fraction indicates the temperature at which this type of bitumen can soften, the second digit is a conditional indicator of the hardness of bitumen in a cooled state

5. BN М 4 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Construction bitumen BN М 4 Ecobit (Code: BT-000001/в) The grade of petroleum bitumen widely used in construction is BN 50/50. Its characteristics comply with the standards of GOST 6617-76 “Petroleum construction bitumens. Technical conditions. The first two letters “BN” are an abbreviation for “petroleum bitumen”, and the first digit of the fraction indicates the temperature at which this type of bitumen can soften, the second digit is a conditional indicator of the hardness of bitumen in a cooled state

6. BN М 5 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Construction bitumen BN М 5 Ecobit (Code: BT-000001/с) The grade of petroleum bitumen widely used in construction is BN 50/50. Its characteristics comply with the standards of GOST 6617-76 “Petroleum construction bitumens. Technical conditions. The first two letters “BN” are an abbreviation for “petroleum bitumen”, and the first digit of the fraction indicates the temperature at which this type of bitumen can soften, the second digit is a conditional indicator of the hardness of bitumen in a cooled state

2. Roofing impregnating bitumen BNK Ecobit GOST 9548-74 (DSTU 4818:2007) 

1. BNK 40/180 Ecobit GOST 9548-74 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 40/180 Ecobit (Code: BT-000004) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

2. BNK 45/190 Ecobit GOST 9548-74 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 45/190 Ecobit (Code: BT-000005) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

3. BNK 90/30 Ecobit GOST 9548-74 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 90/30 Ecobit (Code: BT-000006) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

4. BNK 90/40 Ecobit GOST 9548-74 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 90/40 Ecobit (Code: BT-000007) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

5. BNK 40/180 Ecobit DSTU 4818:2007 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 40/180 Ecobit (Code: BT-000004/1) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

6. BNK 45/190 Ecobit DSTU 4818:2007 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 45/190 Ecobit (Code: BT-000005/1) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

7. BNK 90/30 Ecobit DSTU 4818:2007 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 90/30 Ecobit (Code: BT-000006/1) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

8. BNK 90/40 Ecobit DSTU 4818:2007 roofing bitumen

Roofing bitumen BNK 90/40 Ecobit (Code: BT-00000/1) Roofing bitumen is used for the production of roofing materials. They are divided into impregnating and covering (respectively for impregnating the base and obtaining a coating layer). Roofing bitumens BNK 40/180 Ecobit and BNK 45/190 Ecobit are used for impregnation of the base in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Roofing bitumen BN 90/30 Ecobit (BNK 90/30 Ecobit) is used to obtain the covering layer of these materials.

3. Insulating bitumen BNI Ecobit GOST 9812-74 for anti-corrosion work 

1. BNI-IV-3 Ecobit GOST 9812-74 insulating bitumen

Insulating bitumen BNI-IV-3 Ecobit GOST 9812-74 (Code: BT-000008) Petroleum insulating bitumen grades: BNI-IV-Z Ecobit, BNI-IV Ecobit and BNI-V Ecobit are used to insulate pipelines from ground corrosion. Insulating bitumens are obtained by oxidation of residual products of direct distillation of oil or their mixtures with asphaltenes and oil production extracts; the use of cracking products is not allowed.

2. BNI-IV Ecobit GOST 9812-74 insulating bitumen

Insulating bitumen BNI-IV Ecobit GOST 9812-74 (Code: BT-000009) Petroleum insulating bitumen grades: BNI-IV-Z Ecobit, BNI-IV Ecobit and BNI-V Ecobit are used to insulate pipelines from ground corrosion. Insulating bitumens are obtained by oxidation of residual products of direct distillation of oil or their mixtures with asphaltenes and oil production extracts; the use of cracking products is not allowed.

3. BNI-V Ecobit GOST 9812-74 insulating bitumen

Insulating bitumen BNI-V Ecobit GOST 9812-74 (Code: BT-000010) Petroleum insulating bitumen grades: BNI-IV-Z Ecobit, BNI-IV Ecobit and BNI-V Ecobit are used to insulate pipelines from ground corrosion. Insulating bitumens are obtained by oxidation of residual products of direct distillation of oil or their mixtures with asphaltenes and oil production extracts; the use of cracking products is not allowed.

 4. Refractory bitumen Rubrax Ecobit GOST 781-78 

1. Refractory petroleum bitumen Rubrax A Ecobit GOST 781-78

Refractory petroleum bitumen Rubrax A Ecobit GOST 781-78 (Code: BT-000023). Rubrax is used mainly in the rubber industry, in the production of leather substitutes, in the metallurgical industry (for lubrication of hot journals of rolling mill rolls) and in some other areas of the national economy. Rubrax, or refractory petroleum bitumen, is a solid product obtained from heavy residues of low-sulfur and low-paraffin oils by oxidizing them in the presence of alkali.

2. Refractory petroleum bitumen Rubrax B Ecobit GOST 781-78

Refractory petroleum bitumen Rubrax B Ecobit GOST 781-78 (Code: BT-000024). Rubrax is used mainly in the rubber industry, in the production of leather substitutes, in the metallurgical industry (for lubrication of hot journals of rolling mill rolls) and in some other areas of the national economy. Rubrax, or refractory petroleum bitumen, is a solid product obtained from heavy residues of low-sulfur and low-paraffin oils by oxidizing them in the presence of alkali.

5. Brittle bitumen grades B, V, G Ecobit GOST 21822-87 

1. Bitumen grade B Ecobit special, brittle, GOST 21822-87

Ecobit grade B bitumen is special, brittle, GOST 21822-87 (Code: BT-000020) Brittle petroleum bitumen is produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. Bitumens, which are a black, odorless solid, are produced in two grades: B and G. In terms of physical and chemical properties, bitumen must meet the requirements and standards

2. Bitumen grade V Ecobit special, brittle, GOST 21822-87

Ecobit grade V bitumen is special, brittle, GOST 21822-87 (Code: BT-000021) Brittle petroleum bitumen is produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. Bitumens, which are a black, odorless solid, are produced in two grades: B and G. In terms of physical and chemical properties, bitumen must meet the requirements and standards

3. Bitumen grade C Ecobit special, brittle, GOST 21822-87

Ecobit grade G bitumen is special, brittle, GOST 21822-87 (Code: BT-000022) Brittle petroleum bitumen is produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. Bitumens, which are a black, odorless solid, are produced in two grades: B and G. In terms of physical and chemical properties, bitumen must meet the requirements and standards

6. Plasticized bitumen Plastbit Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 

1. Plasticized bitumen Plastbit I Ecobit TU 38-101580-75

Plasticized bitumen Plastbit I Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 (Code: BT-000041). Petroleum bitumen - plastbit is used for waterproofing underground structures, bridge spans (railway and road) and overpasses; they are produced in four grades: plastbit I of the highest category; plast-bit I; plasticbit of the II highest category; plastbit II.

2. Plasticized bitumen Plastbit II Ecobit TU 38-101580-75

Plasticized bitumen Plastbit II Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 (Code: BT-000044). Petroleum bitumen - plastbit is used for waterproofing underground structures, bridge spans (railway and road) and overpasses; they are produced in four grades: plastbit I of the highest category; plast-bit I; plasticbit of the II highest category; plastbit II.

3. Plasticized bitumen Plastbit I Ecobit of the highest category TU 38-101580-75

Plasticized bitumen Plastbit I of the highest category Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 (Code: BT-000042). Petroleum bitumen - plastbit is used for waterproofing underground structures, bridge spans (railway and road) and overpasses; they are produced in four grades: plastbit I of the highest category; plast-bit I; plasticbit of the II highest category; plastbit II.

4. Plasticized bitumen Plastbit II Ecobit of the highest category TU 38-101580-75

Plasticized bitumen Plastbit I of the highest category Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 (Code: BT-000043). Petroleum bitumen - plastbit is used for waterproofing underground structures, bridge spans (railway and road) and overpasses; they are produced in four grades: plastbit I of the highest category; plast-bit I; plasticbit of the II highest category; plastbit II.

7. Bitumen BNM Ecobit for construction, modified TU 38.101970-84

1. Modified construction bitumen BNM 55/60, TU 38.101970-84

Construction bitumen BNM 55/60 Ecobit (Code: BT-000001/2) is used for bitumen waterproofing of concrete structures; for bitumen waterproofing of foundations; for preliminary priming of the base under a soft roof. Construction bitumen BNM 55/60 is also used for the production of bitumen mastics, bitumen primers, hydroglass insulation, etc.

2. Modified construction bitumen BNM 75/35, TU 38.101970-84

Construction bitumen BNM 75/35 Ecobit (Code: BT-000002/2) is used for bitumen waterproofing of concrete structures; for bitumen waterproofing of foundations; for preliminary priming of the base under a soft roof. Construction bitumen BNM 55/60 is also used for the production of bitumen mastics, bitumen primers, hydroglass insulation, etc.

8. Bitumen for batteries AKB-1 Ecobit GOST 8771-76

1. Bitumen for batteries AKB-1 Ecobit GOST 8771-76

Special bitumen for battery mastics AKB-1 Ecobit GOST 8771-58 (Code: BT-000031) is a pure product made from low-paraffin oils that does not contain any artificially introduced impurities. A special property of this bitumen is its good fusion with transformer and aviation oils, which is necessary due to the conditions of their use. A special property of these bitumens is their good fusion with transformer and aviation oils, which is necessary under the conditions of their use.

9. Bitumen concrete BB-1 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010

1. Bitumen concrete BB-1 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010

Bitumen concrete BB-1 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010 (Code: BT-000039). Bitumen concrete is used for the construction of floors, protective layers and screeds of interfloor floors operating under conditions of constant or variable exposure to acidic and alkaline environments. For acid-resistant bitumen concrete, sand and crushed stone should be used from acid-resistant rocks, for alkali-resistant bitumen concrete - from alkali-resistant rocks.

10. Bitumen powder Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010

1. Bitumen powder Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010

Bitumen powder Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010 (Code: BP-000001), Bitumen powder is used as a partial substitute for bitumen in the preparation of hot asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete with an optimally selected amount of bitumen powder meets the requirements of DSTU B V.2.7-119-2003 “Asphalt concrete mixtures and road and airfield asphalt concrete. Technical conditions..

2. Bitumen powder PB-4 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010

Bitumen powder PB-4 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010 (Code: BP-000002), Bitumen powder is used as a partial substitute for bitumen in the preparation of hot asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete with an optimally selected amount of bitumen powder meets the requirements of DSTU B V.2.7-119-2003 “Asphalt concrete mixtures and road and airfield asphalt concrete. Technical conditions..

3. Bitumen powder PB-6 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010

Bitumen powder PB-6 Ecobit TU U 25.1-30260889-002-2010 (Code: BP-000003), Bitumen powder is used as a partial substitute for bitumen in the preparation of hot asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete with an optimally selected amount of bitumen powder meets the requirements of DSTU B V.2.7-119-2003 “Asphalt concrete mixtures and road and airfield asphalt concrete. Technical conditions..

11. Bitumen Polymerbitum PB-1 Ecobit TU 21-83-68

1. Bitumen Polymerbitum PB-1 Ecobit TU 21-83-68

Bitumen Polymerbitum PB-1 Ecobit TU 21-83-68 (Code: BT-000039) is used for gluing rolled materials when installing multi-layer roofs reinforced with glass materials for coating waterproofing. Polymer bitumen is an effective material. It has high heat resistance and elasticity over a wide temperature range.

12. Liquefied bitumen RB Ecobit TU 38-101580-75

1. Liquefied bitumen RB-1 Ecobit TU 38-101580-75

Liquefied bitumen RB-1 Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 (Code: BT-000039/1). It is used for waterproofing underground structures, bridge spans (railway and road) and overpasses. Bitumen RB-1 is an effective material. It has high heat resistance and elasticity over a wide temperature range.

2. Liquefied bitumen RB-2 Ecobit TU 38-101580-75

Liquefied bitumen RB-2 Ecobit TU 38-101580-75 (Code: BT-000039/2). It is used for waterproofing underground structures, bridge spans (railway and road) and overpasses. Bitumen RB-1 is an effective material. It has high heat resistance and elasticity over a wide temperature range.

13. Road bitumen BND Ecobit GOST 22245-90

1. BND 60/90 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 60/90 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000011) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. BND 90/130 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 90/130 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000012) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. BND 130/200 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 130/200 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000014) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. BND 200/300 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 200/300 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000015) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. BND 40/60 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 40/60 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000013) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

14. Road bitumen BN Ecobit GOST 22245-90

1. BN 60/90 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BN 60/90 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000011/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. BN 90/130 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BN 90/130 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000012/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. BN 130/200 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BN 130/200 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000014/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. BN 200/300 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BN 200/300 Ecobit GOST 22245-90 (Code: BT-000014/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

15. Road bitumen BND Ecobit GOST 33133-2014

1. BND 20/35 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 20/35 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 (Code: BT-000011) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. BND 35/50 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 35/50 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 (Code: BT-000011/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. BND 50/70 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 50/70 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 (Code: BT-000011/2) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. BND 70/100 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 70/100 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 (Code: BT-000011/3) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. BND 100/130 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 100/130 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 (Code: BT-000011\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\4) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

6. BND 130/200 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 130/200 Ecobit GOST 33133-2014 (Code: BT-000011/5) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

16. Road bitumen BND Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001

1. BND 60/90 Ecobit DSTU 4044 :2001 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 60/90 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 (Code: BT-000011) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. BND 90/130 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 90/130 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 (Code: BT-000011/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. BND 50/70 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 50/70 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 (Code: BT-000011/2) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. BND 40/60 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 40/60 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 (Code: BT-000011/3) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. BND 130/200 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 130/200 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 (Code: BT-000011\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\4) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

6. BND 200/300 Ecobit GOST DSTU 4044:2001 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 200/300 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2001 (Code: BT-000011/5) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

17. Road bitumen BND Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019

1. BND 35/50 Ecobit DSTU 4044 :2019 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 35/50 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 (Code: BT-000012) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. BND 50/70 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 50/70 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 (Code: BT-000012/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. BND 70/100 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 70/100 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 (Code: BT-000012/2) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. BND 100/150 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 100/150 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 (Code: BT-000012/3) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. BND 150/225 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 150/225 Ecobit DSTU 4044:2019 (Code: BT-000012\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\4) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

 18. Road bitumen BND Ecobit EN 12591:2017

1. BND 35/50 Ecobit EN 12591:2017   road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 35/50 Ecobit EN 12591:2017   (Code: BT-000013) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. BND 50/70 Ecobit EN 12591:2017   road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 50/70 Ecobit EN 12591:2017   (Code: BT-000013/1) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. BND 70/100 Ecobit EN 12591:2017  road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 70/100 Ecobit EN 12591:2017  (Code: BT-000012/2) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. BND 100/150 Ecobit EN 12591:2017   road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 100/150 Ecobit EN 12591:2017 (Code: BT-000012/3) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. BND 150/225 Ecobit EN 12591:2017   road petroleum viscous bitumen

BND 150/225 Ecobit EN 12591:2017 (Code: BT-000012\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\4) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

 19. Road bitumen BMK Ecobit DSTU B.V.2.7-135:2014

1. Road bitumen BMK 40/60-59 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMK 40/60-59 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1g) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BMK 60/90-55 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMK 60/90-55 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BMK 90/130-52 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMK 90/130-52 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. Road bitumen BMK 130/200-50 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMK 130/200-50 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

20. Road bitumen BMKP Ecobit DSTU B.V.2.7-135:2014

1. Road bitumen BMKP 40/60-68 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMKP 40/60-68 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BMKP 60/90-65 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMKP 60/90-65 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BMKP 90/130-62 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMKP 90/130-62 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. Road bitumen BMKP 130/200-59 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMKP 130/200-59 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

21. Road bitumen BMPA Ecobit DSTU B.V.2.7-135:2014

1. Road bitumen BMPA 40/60-57 DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMPA 40/60-57 DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BMPA 60/90-53 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMPA 60/90-53 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BMPA 90/130-50 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMPA 90/130-50 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. Road bitumen BMPA 130/200-48 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMPA 130/200-48 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

22. Road bitumen BMPP Ecobit DSTU B.V.2.7-135:2014

1. Road bitumen BMPP 40/60-59 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMPP 40/60-59 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BMPP 60/90-64 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014

Road bitumen BMPP 60/90-64 Ecobit DSTU B V.2.7-135:2014 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete . The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

23. Road bitumen BPGZ Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BPGZ 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BPGZ 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BPGZ 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BPGZ 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BPGZ 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BPGZ 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

24. Road bitumen BPGR Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BPGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BPGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BPGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BPGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BPGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BPGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

 25. Road bitumen BSGR Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BSGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BSGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BSGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BSGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BSGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BSGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

26. Road bitumen BpPGZ Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BpPGZ 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpPGZ 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BpPGZ 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpPGZ 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BpPGZ 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpPGZ 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

27. Road bitumen BpPGR Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BpPGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpPGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BpPGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpPGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BpPGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpPGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

28. Road bitumen BpSGZ Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BpSGZ 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpSGZ 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BpSGZ 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpSGZ 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BpSGZ 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpSGZ 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

29. Road bitumen BpSGR Ecobit polymer SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2019

1. Road bitumen BpSGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpSGR 40/70 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen BpSGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpSGR 70/130 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen BpSGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009

Road bitumen BpSGR 130/200 Ecobit SOU 45.2-00018112-036:2009 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

 30. Road bitumen SG Ecobit medium thickening GOST 11955-82

1. Road bitumen SG 40/70 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 medium thickening

Road bitumen SG 40/70 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 medium thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen SG 70/130 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 medium thickening

Road bitumen SG 70/130 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 medium thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen SG 130/200 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 medium thickening

Road bitumen SG 130/200 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 medium thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

31. Road bitumen MG Ecobit slow-thickening GOST 11955-82

1. Road bitumen MG 40/70 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening

Road bitumen MG 40/70 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen MG 70/130 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening

Road bitumen MG 70/130 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen MG 130/200 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening

Road bitumen MG 130/200 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time 

 32. Road bitumen MGO Ecobit slow-thickening GOST 11955-82

1. Road bitumen MGO 40/70 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening

Road bitumen MGO 40/70 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. Road bitumen MGO 70/130 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening

Road bitumen MGO 70/130 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. Road bitumen MGO 130/200 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening

Road bitumen MGO 130/200 Ecobit GOST 11955-82 slow-thickening (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

33. Road bitumen PBB Ecobit GOST 52056-2003 polymer

1. PBB-40 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003

PBB-40 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. PBB-60 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003

PBB-60 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. PBB-90 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003

PBB-90 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. PBB-130 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003

PBB-130 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. PBB-200 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003

PBB-200 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

6. PBB-300 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003

PBB-300 Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders GOST 52056-2003 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

34. Road bitumen PBB Ecobit EN 14023:2010 polymer

1. PMB 25/55-60 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 25/55-60 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

2. PMB 40/100-60 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 40/100-60 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

3. PMB 75/30-55 (PBB-90) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 75/30-55 (PBB-90) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

4. PMB 45/80-55 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 45/80-55 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

5. PMB 45/80-65 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 45/80-65 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

6. PMB 65/105-60 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 65/105-60 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

7. PMB 35/55-55 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 35/55-55 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

8. PMB 65/105-48 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 65/105-48 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

9. PMB 40/100-75 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 40/100-75 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

10. PMB 65/105-75 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 65/105-75 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

11. PMB 75/130-75 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 75/130-75 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

12. PMB 40/100-48 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 40/100-48 (PBB-60) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time

13. PMB 25/55-65 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010

PMB 25/55-65 (PBB-40) Ecobit Polymer-bitumen binders EN 14023:2010 (Code: BT-000016/1d) - petroleum road bitumen is used in the repair and creation of new road surfaces, as well as in asphalt plants for the production of asphalt concrete. The main role is to bind the constituent components: crushed stone, mineral powder and sand into a single whole, while maintaining the required ductility and strength, at the same time