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Cтроительство трубопроводов

Обеспечение антикоррозионной защиты и поддержание её высоких эксплуатационных характеристик являются одними из наиболее важных факторов, гарантирующих надёжность и длительный срок службы трубопровода. Комплексная программа мероприятий по антикоррозионной защите осуществляется на всех этапах — как производства труб, так и строительства и эксплуатации трубопроводов.

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Дорожное строительство

Автомобильные дороги сегодня являются важной составляющей транспортной системы государства, оказывающей огромное влияние на социальное и экономическое развитие. Дороги - важная часть цивилизованного общества. Высокая ответственность за воплощение человеческой мечты, за сближение городов и судеб лежит на дорожниках.

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Влага разрушает не только само здание, но также может привести к различным проблемам со здоровьем его обитателей. Гидроизоляция в этом случае одно из основных направлений для компании ООО «ГЕРМЕТИК - УНИВЕРСАЛ». Компания стала настоящим экспертом в этой области, предлагая различные бренды и системные решения. Профессионалы всего мира доверяют нашему опыту гидроизоляции.

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Каталог продукции
Eng»Ukraine»Waterproofing, protection and repair of buildings, restoration of structures»Bitumens for construction, roofing, brittle, insulating, road, special, liquefied»Construction bitumen petroleum BN Ecobit GOST 6617-76 (DSTU 4148-2003)

BN M 3 Ecobit GOST 6617-66 construction bitumen

Petroleum bitumens used for construction work in various sectors of the national economy - waterproofing, roofing, tanks, preparation of bitumen mastics, varnishes, masses, sealants

Construction bitumen BN M 3 Ecobit is used for bitumen waterproofing of concrete structures; for bitumen waterproofing of foundations; for preliminary priming of the base under soft roofing. Construction bitumen BN M 3 Ecobit is also used for the production of bitumen mastics, bitumen primer, hydrostekloizol, etc. Construction bitumen BN M 3 Ecobit is produced in 50 kg briquettes. Bitumen waterproofing is the cheapest of all types of waterproofing for concrete and foundations. Bitumen waterproofing is melted bitumen bitumen BN M 3 Ecobit applied to the surface of concrete (foundation). It is possible to add solvents White spirit, naphtha, or kerosene (gasoline) to bitumen BN M 3 Ecobit. Bitumen waterproofing with the use of open fire is possible only in places where it is permitted by fire safety regulations; in other cases, bitumen BN M 3 Ecobit and the solvents specified above should be used for bitumen waterproofing. Ready-to-use bitumen mastic, which already contains a solvent (fire-free type of bitumen waterproofing), can also be used for bitumen waterproofing. This type of bitumen waterproofing is more expensive, but much more economical in terms of time. Both internal and external bitumen waterproofing is possible. The choice of waterproofing (whether it is bitumen waterproofing, waterproofing with roll-on materials or waterproofing with dry mixes) depends only on individual tastes.

GOST 6617-76 Construction petroleum bitumens


1.1. Construction petroleum bitumens must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard using technology approved in the established manner.

1.2. Construction petroleum bitumens are produced in the following grades: BN M 3 Ecobit, BN M 4 Ecobit, BN M 5 Ecobit. The correspondence of the established standard grades of petroleum bitumens to those previously adopted is given in the appendix.


2.1. Construction petroleum bitumens are accepted in batches. A batch is any quantity of bitumen of uniform quality indicators, accompanied by one quality document.
2.2. Sample size - according to GOST 2517.

2.3. The manufacturer determines the solubility and mass fraction of water periodically once every 6 months, the change in mass after heating and the flash point - once every 3 months.
2.4. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, repeat tests are carried out on a newly selected sample from a doubled selection.
The results of the repeated tests apply to the entire batch.


3.1. Physicochemical parameters are determined using the methods specified in the table.
3.2. Samples of petroleum construction bitumens are taken according to GOST 2517. The mass of the combined sample of each grade of bitumen should be 0.5 kg.


4.1. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage - according to GOST 1510 with the following additions:
construction bitumen grade BN M 3 Ecobit is packaged and transported according to GOST 22245;
Construction bitumen grades BN M 4 and BN M 5 Ecobit are packed in steel barrels according to GOST 13950; wooden barrels according to GOST 8777; steel drums according to GOST 18896 or GOST 5044; plywood drums according to GOST 9338 or wound cardboard drums according to GOST 17065; in 4-5-layer paper bags weighing up to 250 kg, manufactured according to documentation approved in the established manner, from sack paper according to GOST 2228;
construction bitumen grades BN M 4 Ecobit and BN M 5 Ecobit are transported in railcars and gondola cars (BN 70/30 Ecobit from October 1 to April 1), on platforms and trucks. Bags with bitumen are installed in a vertical position with the open part upwards; by agreement with the consumer, transportation of construction bitumen grades BN 70/30 and BN 90/10 in bunker gondola cars and over a distance of up to 500 km in bitumen trucks is permitted;
construction bitumen grades BN M 4 Ecobit and BN M 5 Ecobit, intended for retail sale, weighing up to 12 kg, are packed in drums and paper bags according to the regulatory document or polyethylene bags;

It is permitted, by agreement with the consumer, to transport construction bitumen in packaged form in accordance with GOST 26663;
when packaging and transporting construction bitumen, safety regulations for products of the oil refining industry must be observed according to documentation approved in the established manner.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that construction petroleum bitumens comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.
5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of construction petroleum bitumens is one year from the date of manufacture.


6.1. Construction petroleum bitumen is a flammable substance with a flash point of 220-300 °C. The minimum autoignition temperature is 368 °C.
6.2. During the production, discharge, filling and sampling of construction petroleum bitumen, special clothing and personal protective equipment must be used in accordance with standard industry standards approved in the established manner.

6.3. In case of fire of small quantities of construction bitumen, it is extinguished with sand, felt, foam fire extinguisher, special powders; fires of spilled product over a large area are extinguished with a foam jet or water from monitor nozzles.

Technical specifications


Name of indicators

BN M 3 Ecobit 

BN M 4 Ecobit 

BN M 5 Ecobit 

Метод испытаний


Needle penetration depth at 25 °C, 0.1 mm




According to GOST 11501


Softening temperature along the ring and ball, °C




According to GOST 11506


Extensibility at 25 °C, not less




According to GOST 11505


Solubility, %, not less




According to GOST 20739


Change in mass after warming up, %, no more




According to GOST 18180


Flash point °C, not lower




According to GOST 4333


Mass fraction of water




According to GOST 2477













Working with hot bitumen is very dangerous.

What are the safety rules?To prevent accidents when working with hot bitumen mastic, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety rules. Bitumen cooking boilers are installed on leveled free areas.

To prevent liquid bitumen from getting into the fire (in case of fire heating), the boiler is installed with a slight slope to the side opposite the firebox. A box with sand and a fire extinguisher should be located near the boiler.
When cooking bitumen mastics, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for mixing bitumen of different grades. Thus, during the melting of low-grade bitumen, only after the formation of foam has ceased, bitumen of higher grades is allowed to be added.

Lower grades of bitumen should not be added to melted bitumen, as this may cause significant foaming and the contents of the boiler will splash out. Pieces of bitumen are lowered along the side of the cooking boiler to avoid splashing of the boiling mass.
The boiler should not be loaded with bitumen more than 2/3 of its volume. To prevent hot mastics from splashing during transportation, conical tanks must be covered with lids and filled only 3/4 of the volume.

The lowering and lifting of tanks with hot mastics must be mechanized. To work with hot mastics, workers must wear glasses, leather boots, canvas suits and gloves.